Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Awakening (Ch. 30-34)

Edna hosts some people for dinner before she moves into the pigeon house. She invites Mrs.Highcamp, Arobin, Victor, Mademoiselle Reisz, and Monsieur Ratignolle, who attends for Madame Ratignolle because she is pregnant. A lot of money is spent on food and decorations for her dinner party. She had also received diamonds from her husband in New York. Victor starts to sing a song, but Edna becomes upset because it reminds her of Robert. Arobin stays with Edna after the other guests have left and she becomes "supple to his gentle, seductive entreaties".
Mr.Pontellier is upset about his wife moving out because of the way it will make him look. He thinks that it will make it look like he's having finanical difficulties, so he decides to have a well-known architect remodel his home. He also arranged for one of the newspapers to have an article about how he and his wife were going to take a vacation. Edna likes living in the pigeon house and there was "a feeling of having descended in the social scale, with a corresponding sense of having risen in the spiritual." She also visits her children and is very happy to see them.
Robert comes home and Edna is disappointed that he had not come to find her right away. Also, she realizes that he has not come home for her, but for business reasons instead. The interaction between Robert and Edna are not like before he left. Her hopes of what would happen when he returned home are much different than what actually occurs.
I haven't been as annoyed with Edna as it seems many other people are, but I'm starting to become irritated by her actions. Spending a lot of her husband's money for a party because she's moving out is inconsiderate and immature to me. Also, having affairs with now two other men lowers my respect for her more.

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