Monday, August 25, 2008

The Lesson

The Lesson is a short story about inner city kids being exposed to class differences.

Level One: Where does Miss Moore take the kids?
Level Two: Why did Miss Moore take them to the toy store?
Level Three: What do you think Sylvia meant when she said "But ain't nobody gonna beat me at nuthin."

Miss Moore took them to the toy store to expose them to class differences. Before they leave she talks about how money is unfair. She values her college education and tries to teach the kids useful skills such as when she asks Sylvia to calculate a tip for the cab driver.
I think there are a few ways to interpret the last line of the story. She could have meant that she wasn't going to let the class differences bring her down or keep her poor. Another possibility is that she ignored the lesson and decided she wasn't going to let the other kids beat her, ignoring the rest of the world.

1 comment:

amypfan said...

Short on length, but I like the conclusion you reached about the last line of the story.