Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Stand Here Ironing

I Stand Here Ironing is about a mother looking back at her daughter's past in terms of how she raised her and the outcome of that.

Level 1: What does Emily discover that she likes?
Level 2: What is the significance of the mother telling the story while ironing?
Level 3: How much do you think love, attention, and affection during childhood affects a person?

The theme is a lack of affection when a person is growing up has a large impact later and through out life.
It's significant that the mother tells Emily's story while ironing because she doesn't really have to pay attention to anything and can just think. Another thing that I thought about was what the purpose of her telling the story is. Is she trying to justify her actions as a mother? Or is she going through everything that happened trying to figure out what she could have done differently?
I think that the way parents interact with their kids has a large impact on how their kids grow up. Emily spent a lot of time away from home at daycare or the place she went when she was sick. Because of this, she didn't form a strong connection with her mother and when her mother tried to show affection to her, she didn't accept it. Emily's insecurities and problems can be partly attributed to her upbringing, but I think part of the way she feels is unrelated to that. Some people, even if they grow up in loving families, go through similar struggles as Emily.

1 comment:

amypfan said...

Good thoughts. Sounds like you liked the story.