Thursday, April 3, 2008

How the Americans Understand the Equality of the Sexes

Tocqueville says that in Europe, men and women are seen as "alike" but not equal and that this degrades both genders. In American society, men and women are seen differently and he says that this is democratic. This democracy allows men and women to be equal in their own ways and in their own strengths (according to Tocqueville). Both genders are giving something to one another by giving each other acceptance of their differences and living within those differences. Europeans do not accept the differences in gender and do not allow different genders to fully utilize their strengths. He does say that yes, they are not able to "escape from the quiet circle of domestic employments", but women are not pressured to "manage the outward concerns of the family, conduct a business, or take part in a political life". Also, he says that they never have to face strenuous physical labor. Division in genders exist "in order that the great work of society may be the better carried on".


ieyshawalker said...


I totally agree with what you say that de Tocqueville has to say in his writing. He indeed describes the men and women in Europe as "alike", however, not equal and leading to "weak men" and "disorderly women". He then shares his opinion of difference with the American men and women. You say in your blog that he is saying the men and women in America are seen differently, leading to a democracy. I agree with you that he does say that, but I am not exactly sure that I agree with de Tocqueville and his whole argument, but that is not apart of the assignment (hahah).

But good blog. I agree with what you said he had to say in his writing.

Have a nice spring break =]]


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