Thursday, March 13, 2008


At the end of part one, Wright decides to move to the North at that time instead of waiting. I think that his decision was positive because instead of staying in the South like some other people he knew such as Shorty, he decided to do something about his dislike of how he was treated. Even though he had to steal to get the money needed to move, I think it was better for him to do it right away instead of waiting because there was a chance it might not have been possible if he waited to earn money. Even though overall it was a positive change, there were still risks involved regarding just getting by. Also, even though conditions for blacks in the North were much better, moving out of the South didn't guarantee that he would be free of all racial tensions and being treated differently.

1 comment:

Allie said...


I also think Wright's decision was a positive one, but it also came with its own sense of danger. Wright doesn't know what's going to happen when he moves to the North, and we find out he struggles a little in his adjustment, but only because he begins to ask deeper questions about his surroundings and his life. I agree with you that it was better for him to get out as soon as possible, even if he didn't use the best methods to do so. If we wait long enough to do anything in life, some doubt will definately seep into our conscience.