Friday, November 16, 2007

The Pressure to Cover

Mainstream is a myth because no one is normal. Everyone has differences, but most people cover them up to appear to be mainstream. I think that mainstream person is someone who the majority of the population views as typical of our society. This doesn't mean that everyone in our society would like or want to be a mainstream person, but they have to pretend to be that mainstream person to be accepted by society. I think that Yoshino makes good points to defend that mainstream is a myth by giving examples that everyone covers something. People cover small and large things only because they believe that will make them appear to be mainstream.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Funny how we are along the same lines here! I, obviously, completely agree with you that to be mainstream is a myth because everyone has their own poitns of view are are different. People cover and pretend, making defining the mainstream difficult.

I don't think he defends himself very well though. Given that he puts all of his examples before this point, I don't consider them to completely apply. Now had he put them after this paragraph, or recapped on them, I think that would have made this paragraph stronger.