Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Eveline is about a woman who is supposed to move away to live with a man who loves her but changes her mind.

Level One: Which one of her brothers died?
Level Two: Why did she change her mind about going?
Level Three: What decision do you think you would have made if you were in a similar situation?

Eveline changes her mind about going because even though leaving is in her best interest, it's a big change. Her situation at home isn't desirable, but it's familiar to her which keeps her stuck in it. There are a lot of situations similar to hers, some of which I've experienced. You know something needs to change but it's difficult and you don't want to because it's familiar. Even though you don't like the situation, the fact it's what you know makes it somewhat comfortable.
I'd like to say that I would have made what most people would consider the right decision by leaving. It's easy for me to say that I would have left, but if the decision was left completely up to me, it's quite possible I'd choose to stay in my current situation. I don't really like change that much, and I would need someone to push me to make the decision that's best. If someone did that, such as my parents, I would probably leave. The theme of this story is change and how difficult it can be even if it benefits a person.

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